When you’re longing to make a shift, a wise companion on the journey allows the path to appear clear and bright.

Live Your Yoga

Mentoring for Growth & Transformation, a 9-month program

The soul longs to grow and transform.

When you listen closely you notice you are…

  • Sensing that more is possible

  • Seeking and longing for a shift

  • Aware of your untapped potential

  • Knowing what you need but not sure how to get there

  • Clearly ready to elevate your mindset

  • Hungry for change but concerned about the consequences

  • Wanting to move forward and desiring support on the journey

  • Eager to embrace the gifts of life

  • Ready to let your life serve

  • Hopeful you can catch a lift from the Flow of the Universe.

The Flow of the Universe is waiting for you.

You are invited to live a sparkling existence. The calling cannot be diminished. Discovering who you are and bringing that authentic Self to the world requires perseverance and courage.

This is where I step in to support you.

I have been cultivating knowledge of living an authentic and aligned existence since beginning my yoga journey in 1993.

Through decades of practice steeped in the rich and refined teachings of TriYoga® inner wisdom has risen to the surface. The practice helped me integrate the scoliosis I was diagnosed with at age 10 and overcome the disconnect that came from wearing a back brace through high school. I wake up every day free of pain (physical and mental) and happily embracing the gift of my healthy, unique body and my calm, steady mind.


In 2002, I made a bold move and left my career as a middle and high school teacher to seek out what enlivened me. Within months, at the age of 33, a powerful awakening shifted my understanding of the existence of Source and the presence of the Flow in my life. I came to understand and know that our life is cared for and guided by God/Presence/Universal Consciousness. This knowing and inner connection is the unique offering I bring to you. From a quiet, solid place of deep peace, well steeped in decades of inward practice, I journey with you.


Nine months of my dedicated attention will help you realize your Self and bring your unique gifts forward.

Over the past 23 years as a full-time yoga teacher, I have supported clients through physical changes, mental discoveries, life transitions, relationship explorations, and spiritual questions. I have applied yoga wisdom to running a yoga business, founding a nonprofit organization, aligning career and calling, and stepping into leadership. I’ve helped hundreds of people make meaningful changes in their life, from improving their physical health to shifting their consciousness.

As you explore your journey toward a more aligned existence, I bring years of experience to guide your transformation. Without a doubt, this intentional journey will take you somewhere completely new and wonderfully fresh.

I so appreciate the care and skill that (you) put into creating programs. You are a great example and inspiration of aligning life to the wisdom of yoga, discovering one’s dharma, and living it. 

Kashi Ananda

What’s Included

Our concentrated time together one-on-one for 9 months focuses on your unique journey. Live Your Yoga is completely personalized to your specific needs, circumstances, and longings. Your course will evolve as the year unfolds, and I’ll traverse the landscape with you.

The program includes 5 phases and ongoing support.

Phase 1 - Assessing

  • Exploring whether this program is a good fit for you

  • Self-inquiry assessment to discover where and how the journey might begin

  • Orientation session

Phase 2 - Opening Retreat

  • Opening 3-day (2 nights) directed, silent retreat (you arrange the venue; I will provide suggestions)

  • Daily sessions during your retreat by phone or Zoom

  • Identifying where you are on your inner journey and the work ahead of us

Phase 3 - Focusing

  • Focusing Phase to gain momentum

  • Determining where to direct the energy to move you forward

  • Weekly sessions by phone or Zoom, 1-2 months

  • Daily personal practice of the type we identify to be most helpful (minimum 20 minutes)

Phase 4 - Deepening

  • Deepening Phase to become firmly established

  • Responding to the evolution of your inner explorations and external changes

  • Monthly sessions by phone or Zoom 6-7 months

  • Continued personal practice with adjustments as needed

Phase 5 - Closing Retreat

  • Closing 3-day (2 nights) directed, silent retreat (you arrange the venue; I will provide suggestions)

  • Daily sessions during your retreat by phone or Zoom

  • Experiencing the ongoing cycle of releasing and beginning again

  • Re-orientation session within 2 months of closing retreat

Ongoing Support

  • 1 year of complimentary membership to Flow: unlimited access to live online classes, replays, videos, community challenges, and weekly inspiration

  • Personalized teaching to meet your needs

  • Resources, recommendations, and research to support your journey

  • Monthly live coaching calls in a group setting for one year


Benefits of mentoring

Incredible growth

Greater results, less effort

Unexpected opportunities and invitations

Fewer obstacles, easier decisions

Skillful leadership amidst challenges

Increased compassion

Greater health & happiness through established self-care

Clear connection to inner guidance

Faster recovery when upset

More self awareness, less denial

New habits that will serve your whole life

Knowing your place “in the family of things,” as poet Mary Oliver says

Trust in the Universe

Freeing the bright, beautiful being you already are.

  • It's inspiring to study with Theresa. She’s not only an excellent teacher but clearly lives yoga as a way of life. She seems to see everything. When I work with her, I find myself exploring new territory in the art of movement and of living with a relaxed and peaceful energy. Can't recommend her enough. ~ Matt B.


  • A program 100% tailored to you and responsive to your changing needs

  • Guided orientation and self-inquiry to help you set your course

  • Personalized collection of videos and content I will create for you

  • Perfectly-paced rhythms of meetings to help you gain and sustain momentum

  • Holistic approach connecting body, mind, and spirit

  • Structure and support as you enter the quiet (support I wish I’d had at my first silent retreat)

  • Accountability that develops your internal motivation

  • All the features of the Flow membership

  • Flexibility to extend the nine month program up to twelve months as circumstances require.

A Value-Rich 9-month Experience

Currently this program is offered with a $750 discount until I am able to provide space at the retreat house being built near my home in Central Pennsylvania. The discounted amount will allow you to cover the costs of booking your opening and closing retreats at venues I can recommend.

Fee covers:

2 directed retreats (excluding venue costs)

Regular private sessions over the 9 months

My personal attention throughout your journey

Curated material to support your work

1 year access to Flow: The Membership

Monthly live group coaching



This may be paid in 3 installments of $1400.

Current Flow members will receive a discount code to apply at registration.

Applying for mentoring is risk-free. Once you have submitted the application, I will contact you about available openings for working together and direct you to the enrollment page.




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