What is TriYoga Therapeutics?
By Theresa Shay
TriYoga Therapeutics was once described by a student as “TriYoga candy.” After spending four days at the end of August immersed in a TriYoga Therapeutics retreat, I have a new appreciation for the sweetness of this gift.
I signed up for the retreat at SoHum in Kentucky before the focus for the event was announced. When I learned this would be a Therapeutics program, I wondered how it might serve. At SoHum retreats over the past year, I have cherished the Level 4 flows and the fresh material from upper levels to share with advanced students. This would not be that.
Nevertheless, I was headed into the event amid caregiving for two pre-teen boys while living at their house. Challenged by my unfamiliar life with its new responsibilities, I considered how days of slow, deep TriYoga Therapeutics might be just what I needed. At least I would not have to wonder how my body would accept or decline the advanced postures of Level 4. Neither would I entertain whether my mind was sharp enough to track the involved sequences. I drove to Kentucky ready for anything.
TriYoga Therapeutics extends a long arm of welcome through its surname “Therapeutics,” which is a way to approach TriYoga®, rather than a designation of a level. All the levels of TriYoga (there are 8) can be offered with this focus. For one who lacks confidence in their physical capacity, the name “Therapeutics” cracks open the door – “perhaps I could do that yoga”- and they can.
On the TriYoga International website, the Therapeutics program subtitle reads, “Healing, Maintenance, Relaxation.” The fuller description states, “Supported postures are held for several minutes and longer with rhythmic breathing and mindful awareness. This encourages the connective tissue (fascia) and muscle to lengthen. Joints become more mobile and ease of movement returns. The healing power of prana (life energy) responds to this natural surrender of body. It is where asana (physical posture) and yoga nidra (deep relaxation) merge. Alpha brain waves and deeper meditative states are experienced as awareness expands.”
TriYoga Therapeutics is the remedy for ailments we didn’t realize we had
the soft landing we have longed for
the cure for believing there is not enough time
the reboot that reorganizes a harmonic resonance.
TriYoga Therapeutics is attention so refined, we not only see
how every moment holds the sacred,
we realize we are the sacred.
Over the course of the days of long-held postures and slow, conscious transitions, I settled into deep peace. I found previously unseen tension at the base of my jaw. I met a treasure of possibilities in left side Reclined Free Seat. I shifted the interests of my mind away from future plans. I followed exhales out into realms I’ve never visited. As slow as we went, I wanted to stay longer everywhere I landed. There was so much to explore.
When I returned to teaching after the Therapeutics retreat, I could not shift out of that pace for a full week. I even taught Level 3 from the Therapeutics approach. All week long, students and I added extra breaths. We held asanas longer. We reached for more props. We took fewer sequences and explored transitions further into their nuances. We floated in spaciousness.
The moment always offers more than we are able to notice. Slowing down and simplifying encourages surprising discoveries and unexpected connections. We typically fail to prioritize deep quieting for an extended time. When we give ourselves permission to sink in - not just to pause so we can keep going, but to merge into calm - we are nourished and refreshed at a profound level. Our lives need more of this.
The relaxation from this experience permeates my life. This is the sweetest candy there is.
TriYoga Therapeutics (Basics level) is currently offered live online on Wednesdays at 10:30 am ET for those enrolled in our monthly membership and to those who drop in.
Theresa Shay is the founding director of TriYoga of Central Pennsylvania, where she teaches weekly yoga and meditation online and trains others to teach TriYoga®. Each week, she shares wisdom cultivated from decades of TriYoga study and practice.
Learn more about her here. Theresa can be reached at Theresa@PennsylvaniaYoga.com. Find her on Instagram @theresa_of_triyoga for more inspiration and light.